In the United Kingdom, money is a taboo subject. In truth, they'd rather discuss sex, religion, and politics than money. Money is often shrouded in secrecy, and asking for it is regarded as disrespectful or uncomfortable.
Money is an undeniably tricky topic to address. It's delicate, personal, and often upsetting. "How much do you earn?" doesn't come after a series of small talks such as weather and questions about one's family. In short, it's not a delightful chit-chat topic in the United Kingdom. Matters about a country's financial status or budget can be a dinner topic; however, when it comes to the personal financial situation, the message is clear, it's not happening.
Origin of ‘M-word Taboo’
The upper-British society is to blame for the inception of the Money taboo in the UK, where discussing money was deemed impolite. However, with changing times, money taboos also evolved, and attitudes towards money differ on race and class. Upper-class families frequently keep financial facts confidential under good manners to avoid feeling bad about their wealth. Many middle-class families avoid discussing money to mask their economic vulnerability and retain the idealised image of the autonomous family unit. Meanwhile, working-class persons are more prone to publicly acknowledge the problems of supporting themselves and their families in severe economic times.
There are several reasons why it is difficult to talk about money. When Brits open up about their finances, they may feel vulnerable or concerned that they have jeopardised their hard-earned money. There's a danger they'll feel looked down upon if others regard their wages as poor. On the other hand, those with higher salaries may be hesitant to share their earnings to avoid appearing showy or arrogant. Another major factor is that discussing money might be rude and unfriendly in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, discussing money with friends or in relationships might be perceived as impolite. Finally, many people may feel that discussing personal money is inappropriate for these reasons.
Discussing money in a job interview
Another reason why discussing money seems very inappropriate is fear of rejection, and this explanation is especially prevalent during job interviews. It's possible that people are hesitant to discuss pay expectations in this case because they're afraid of being perceived as arrogant or 'just seeking the position for the money.'
There's no need to be apprehensive about raising pay expectations during an interview or at the job. All that is required is a simple shift of viewpoint. Our first recommendation is to remember that we go to work to make money to pay bills, loans, buy food, and leisure. As a result, it's in our best interests to be transparent and upfront about how much we want to make.
Avoiding the unpleasantness of the salary conversation may give employers the idea that you do not regard your skills as highly as you should. Be bold. The truth is that everyone deserves to be appropriately compensated for their efforts, and the more honest we are about our worth, our pay should be more equitable.
Bringing up money in polite British society is considered gauche or simply disrespectful. Despite the fact that times are changing and the debate is becoming more open, there is still a lot of quiet surrounding the subject. However, being silent not only allows issues such as the gender wage gap and social inequality to persist but may also lead to isolation and guilt, particularly for individuals facing financial difficulties or debt.