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How To Confidently Communicate And Inspire Others In The UK Workplaces

How To Confidently Communicate And Inspire Others In The UK Workplaces
England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales together make up the United Kingdom. Each country has its distinct traditions and values, culminating in cultural differences. There are also diverse geographic variances and over 200 ethnicities represented in the UK population. It goes without saying that there is a broad array of cultural influences.

The virtue of our world's expanding globalisation is that there is now very nothing that is genuinely unfamiliar. We can research and inform ourselves about new areas and even virtually walk around selected streets, giving us a sense of familiarity when we arrive. This helps us get through those early days without feeling overwhelmed.

Even with little experience, negotiating cultural differences can feel like navigating through rough waters at first. Two ways might be beneficial in comprehending and communicating effectively in a new culture: building a personal knowledge of one's own cultural orientation and viewpoints - a specific cultural blueprint – and acquiring an understanding of the host nation's cultural dimensions.

Based on ethnic variables and dimensions of individualism, communication, space, power, and action outlined by Joerg Schmitz, this article presents an overview of some of the traits of the typical British person (Cultural Orientations Guide).


Individual success is emphasised and rewarded in British society, and this is akin to nations with a greater collective orientation, which prioritises the interests of the group above personal interests. Individuals and their liberties are fundamental in the United Kingdom; in general, everyone should look after themselves and their immediate family.

Individuals within the organisation and teams may compete in the workplace, despite the fact that teamwork is a vital means of gaining better performance. When administering individual performance reviews, management considers both individual and team performance.

Religious affiliations, business allegiances, and local community networks and groups are examples of collective group loyalty, particularly among national groups. The degree to which you discover this will differ.


People express themselves differently in different social contexts, and a high context orientation means that implicit communication and nonverbal cues are prioritised. When people communicate with a low context orientation, they say what they mean and mean what they say!

The United Kingdom is a bit of a mishmash when it comes to communication. People from southern England are frequently described as reticent and indirect. In addition, they will not be extremely emotional, and it's relatively uncommon to be left pondering what others think and reverting to probing questions in order to find out.

People become more honest and forthright, perhaps even abrasive, as you travel north. They're also thought to be more sociable and more accepting, and a little more emotionally expressive.

Personal space

In general, the British are extremely private people. The adage "An Englishman's home is his castle" illustrates this concept. When people are at home, they feel freer to be themselves and follow social norms outside of the house. It's crucial to have personal space. Leave space between people when meeting them for the first time and greet them with a polite handshake. Barriers, on the other hand, are easily broken down; after meeting you a few times, individuals become more open and pleasant.


The power dimension discusses the degree to which diverse power relationships and social stratification within a culture are acceptable. In the United Kingdom, the social class structure has always been significant, and the media will still use class designations to characterise people today. When Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton, for example, she was described as being from a "rich middle–class family".

Given the widespread mention of social class, there is also a yearning to establish a society purely on merit rather than inheritance and social standing. Many people believe that equal opportunity for all is critical. Many organisations promote people based on their past achievements instead of their connections or family lineage; however, there are outliers. While senior leadership has ultimate power in the company, individuals are encouraged to participate in debates and discussions and show personal initiative and responsibility.


The action dimension distinguishes between cultures that emphasise connections, introspection, and analysis and those that emphasise tasks and action.

Action and task orientation are prevalent in the United Kingdom, and people take delight in finishing duties on schedule. Although they are not exceptionally punctual, the old protestant work ethic typically shines through once they are at work. However, individuals are becoming more aware of the benefits of a "being orientation," and they are more sensitive to relationships and the significance of nurturing them at the price of job completion than they were previously.

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